I came across a great article on Tuesday from Jamillah Warner. She addresses five key ways to make sure you are mixing up your marketing to be successful. To be success in marketing you have to make sure you are using a variety of marketing outlets. You have to use the whole world of marketing, not just a piece of it.
You need to make sure you are using the different areas that marketing consists of. As a small business you have to be engaged in the online and offline environments. Don’t be too cheap and only rely on the free marketing, but don’t be too careless and blow big amounts of money on paid marketing. Find the happy medium.
Jamillah has five points that she gives us in her article, “5 Tips to Improve Your Marketing Mix”. These five points are paper marketing, your social profiles, your blog and website, your use of media, and your contacts.
1. Paper marketing materials
You don’t want to lose sight of your small business paper information such as business cards and brochures. These days the world is turning so digital but remember how convenient it is to hand your customer or stranger a business card. Giving them a business card or brochure will save you time and energy in exchanging information and they can walk away with something to remember your small business by.
2. Social media marketing
Being involved with the social sites is important. This means having your profile activated and use it to engage with that audience. Think of how many people you can be linked to or find through these sites. Use them, most of them are free (LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Quora, and Twitter)!
3. Press and news media
Another key piece is using the media. Journalists are able to get millions of people to read about your small business all you have to do is give them the information to write about. You can use your press releases to feed information to the media and keep the world informed about your small business.
4. Email marketing
Lastly, you need to keep a healthy relationship with your contacts and prime audience. The email is the most efficient way to keep a consistent relationship up. I really back Jamillah up when she states “It’s consistent marketing that makes the difference.” Sending consistent emails with updates to your contacts is a prime ingredient to the success of marketing.
About the Author
Jamillah Warner (Ms.J), a poet with a passion for business, is a Georgia-based writer and speaker and the Marketing Coordinator at Nobuko Solutions. She also provides marketing and communication quick tips in her getCLEAR! MicroNewsletter.